This week's babygirl of the week is...

Click the image to read some of his works!
I need to say first and foremost that Ash Williams has consistently some of the best fanfiction I’ve read.
LI must also say that I’m incredibly biased towards him, as he’s a favorite character of mine! He’s such a dumbass himbo and I LOVE him for it.
discovered Ash after seeing him around quite often during my early slasherfxcker days. I was mostly reading for Herbert West (a scrunkly we’ll definitely cover sometime), but Ash would always pop up, along with the slashers, of course. I actually didn’t read for him at first, instead being more drawn to the slashers and falling down that rabbithole. I went deep, very deep, and when I came out the otherside, I had really and honestly seen truly everything slasherfxcker yumes had to offer. I had come out a changed woman, seen things that would make many people’s face curl up in disgust or even fear at what was being read, touched a level of literary depravity that shocked even me…
This was my coming out party for being more mentally ill than I let on...
So when I read my first Ash Williams fanfiction, it was like I was a lost child in the snow of winter, trudging through the cold Swiss forests…happening upon a cabin inhabited by a loving old widow who welcomes me in, feeds me fresh chicken stew that warms both my body and soul, adopts me as her own with loving and tender arms.
Essentially, Ash Williams fanfic is peak fiction.
Ash is portrayed true to his himbo nature. Everything from angst to smut is tinged with that signature Ashley Johanna Williams idiocy and packed to the brim with fluff and stupidass moments. Though I must note the distinctions between Young Ash and Old Ash.
Young Ash is very much classic himbo; he’s young, dumb and full of…camaraderie! He’s silly, goofy, a boyfriend who always is doing something to make you laugh. His flirts are cheesy, he’s a big dork with big muscles and an even bigger heart full of love for you! He’s super physically affectionate, bordering on clingy and even when you’re sick you’ll find him glued to your side like he was always there to begin with. His stuff is tooth rottingly sweet and I can never get enough! ♡♡♡!!!
Old Ash meanwhile, has a lot more openings for the more adult; though his goofiness is ever present. He goes from himbo to cringefail himbo, where his trite flirtations turn cringeworthy (And god, do I love it!), and most of his fluff is on equal amounts with his angst. Don’t get me started on the angst this man has. It’ll hit the right areas for you. Just like Sam Raimi, they love putting this man through the wringer. (And god…do I love it! )
While I do prefer Younger Ash’s character, Old Ash is just as amazing and his works are just as well written. I highly recommend both. Bruce Campbell has the chin of a Greek God, and he’s handsome in both iterations! Each Ash has his own charm and brings something to the table. They’re the same guy, but completely different characters which makes for fun reads either way. You’ll also notice that usually Old Ash is written in the Dead By Daylight fandom in addition to Ash vs. Evil Dead, whereas Younger Ash is pretty much only in his original works with some like…generalized settings.
AHonestly, my only critique or downside I must say is that Ash is a seasonal character. While I’d say the slasher fandom surrounding more famous characters is kept alive year round by wonderful and amazing horror fans (and also Dead by Daylight), it seems characters like Ash and Herbert surge in popularity around the Halloween season. But hunger is the best seasoning to your meal, so this makes reading new Ash content all the better.
Overall, Ash is a niche little guy made for anybody to enjoy. While his franchise may be ”out there” to some Yumes, I can safely say that even they can pick up a fic of his and enjoy it. So go on, give him a try! There’s a reason he’s one of my favorite blorbos ever!
Remember to check out his content by clicking on his image at the top!
YORO'S FAVE AUTHOR FOR ASH!:Alienguts on Tumblr!
She also writes recently a lot of Batman and DCU stuff, if you're into that!
Here is Yoro's favorite Ash Williams fic!
See you next week! ♡